Phillip Obrien

A Sunroom is a perfect addition


A sunroom is a perfect addition to add to anyone’s home. It will give your home that happy makeover that brings in light and with that an extra room you can stretch your legs in and read a book. This type of room is perfect for letting in lots of sunlight without actually being physically outside. A Sunroom can have large windows, a glass roof, or a screen to allow a breeze through in the privacy of your own home. Don’t confuse a solarium with a sunroom. The sole purpose of the solarium is to bring in light and heat versus the beauty of mother nature and scenic views.

A sunroom can cost anywhere from $16,000 for a simplistic or smaller room as opposed to a lavish with all the bells and whistles route up to $80,000. As you see, sunrooms have a wide range of costs depending on what your wants and needs are. Location, materials, equipment, and labor will all add to the cost of our sunroom.

Consider a need to get a permit for a sunroom in your jurisdiction as well as a letter from Homeowners Association (HOA) if you have one. These two areas can create problems for you if you fail to complete these to before you start construction. If you are working with a contractor, a lot of times they will help you take care of the permit. They don’t want to start work on a project only to be told they have to stop. They want to get paid and you want your sunroom completed.

The benefits of adding a sunroom are one of many. Adding natural light and space to your home will brighten up the place while adding value to your home. There is nothing better than coming home to a home that is already bringing light from the outside versus one that is dark and dreary. Natural light and extra space are show stoppers when selling your home.

Another reason people like sunrooms is that even the homeowner that hates going outdoors and being near insects, heat, and pests will enjoy the ability to bring the outdoors inside. You can enjoy year-round views of the outdoors whether it’s sizzling hot outside, too cold, or you are too sick to be out there. Those are some serious benefits especially those that suffer from allergies. Who wants to go outside and breathe in all that pollen during that time of year when everything is coated in yellow powder? This makes enjoying the outdoors easy twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week.

Conroe Patio Covers

If you have glass for your roof on your sunroom, you have the added perk of enjoying the stars and the moon at night. There are roofs out there that allow you to stay comfortable away from the mosquitos while you gaze on the stars. You can even bird watch if you have trees near your sunroom without suffering through the hot summer days. So many opportunities that you would miss out on without a sunroom.

This room is a great space for bonding with your family. Playing games, reading, working out in, and so many more opportunities for fun with your family and friends. You can use this not just for family get-togethers but also for everyday use. Enjoying a cup of joe in the morning watching the birds or reading the newspaper is perfect! This will improve your quality of life for sure staying in the comfort of your own home.

It also adds a sense of style and sophistication to your home. A sunroom can be created to particular taste and doing so will add to the appeal of your home. You can be sure to collect tons of compliments and expect to spend much more time in your new sanctuary. After considering costs, permits, and benefits of having a sunroom, it’s easy to see how to get one and definitely that it will add value and pleasure to your home in many ways. Now get out there and get your sunroom!

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Marriage Counseling

Marriage Counseling

Everyone that has had a relationship knows how hard it can be. You have to keep lines of communication open, be sensitive to your partner’s feelings, and support one another. The relationship can seem to be amazing and thing are going great until one day they are not. You both missed something that went overlooked. Unfortunately, that missed subject or item led to your relationship starting to take a nose dive as relationships can do if you neglect, overlook, or push things under the rug.

To have a healthy relationship, you have to listen to one another without judgment. Listening can be a hard skill to dominate in. Once you have got listening down, that can really help in your relationship. There are many facets to a solid, healthy relationship. Let’s look at some warning signs that your relationship is not doing so good or may have opportunities to improve.

Are you talking?

An obvious indicator that something is wrong is the two of you barely speak. That may need more of an intervention like what Marriage Counseling can offer. If there is a lack of communication occurring in your relationship, that has got to change. It can really cause havoc and setbacks if not corrected. When this type of problem occurs, there is usually a reluctance to communicate. You simply cannot carry on this way. It isn’t healthy. If you are unable to share thoughts and ideas, then you need a counselor to help show you a different way to communicate or an intervention to try.

Are you always arguing?

Stop the bickering. It is unhealthy and doesn’t do anything for a relationship except destruct it. It’s a way to effectively tear something apart. Does it really matter if you emptied the dish washer last or paid more of the bills this month? As a couple, you are a team. You have to function as one to thrive. Daily arguing, increases your blood pressure and puts a damper on your current relationship. Obviously, there is a misunderstanding or a feeling that someone is feeling disregarded. If this has been something that continues to occur, then you may need a professional to assist that can greatly reduce and even cease the battlefield fights. You can be that romantic relationship in that favorite comedy. Don’t let yourself live the life of a soap opera relationship. It’s time to take control of your relationship and get it back to healthy!

Do you feel you need to keep secrets?

When a married couple or partner feel they need to keep secrets, there is a problem. In a successful relationship, there is transparency. That is a staple to a healthy relationship of any kind. Every person has the right to have privacy, but privacy is different than keeping secrets. When a partner withholds experiences and information, your relationship is at risk for taking a nose dive into the ground. Secrets are a problem for relationships. If you don’t share your increase in salary and use it for something you wanted, that will cause problems when your spouse may need financial help later.

No relationship is perfect. They all need work. However, if you neglect your relationship, it will only sink deeper. Your relationship is a priority. Don’t let it become the thing you forget about.

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Irrigation System Repair: How to Tell If Something’s Wrong

Irrigation systems may seem like a pretty complex concept but the truth is, it’s actually pretty easy to understand. Consisting of valves, pipes, and sprinkler heads, the irrigation system basically works by obtaining water underground and distributing it to the lawn or landscape. While a well-maintained irrigation system may last for years, you might experience some mishaps from time to time. Here’s a list of what could go wrong with your irrigation system after the sprinkler installation.

There are leaks at the sprinkler heads.

One of the most common problems that you’ll encounter is a leak on the sprinkler head, either individually or collectively. A leaking problem leads to water inefficiency and costly monthly water bills so as soon you notice a few leaks here and there, get some irrigation system repair services immediately. Among the causes of sprinkler head leaks include damaged zone valves, wrongly-installed valves, and damaged or dirty sprinkler heads.

There are leaks coming from the zone valves.

Aside from the sprinkler heads, you might also notice leaks that are caused by damaged zone valves. With continued use, some screws on the system become loose causing the valves to become wobbly in the process. A little tightening might do the trick. A damaged diaphragm may also cause some leaking but you can solve this issue by rebuilding it with a new diaphragm. However, if the valve is already broken, a replacement is your only answer.

The sprinkler zones are not working.

A sprinkler zone that isn’t turning on is oftentimes caused by faulty electrical signals. It may also result from a defective valve. If only a single sprinkler zone is acting up, a simple diaphragm cleaning may do the trick, but if the problem already involved multiple zones, it may be a result of a faulty transformer. Depending on the assessment of the issue, you might need to have the transformer replaced.

The water pressure is low.

The sprinkler heads are not popping up and sometimes, it just coughs up water. This might be caused by a relatively low water pressure. Low water pressure may be caused by a malfunctioning backflow device or a leak on the irrigation lines. If you can’t seem to find some leaks, have your irrigation line inspected by a technician. The line may have been restricted or compressed by objects like roots or branches.

The sprinkler heads are not working.

Another common irrigation system problem is a malfunctioning sprinkler head. It’s actually easy to spot a sprinkler that isn’t working. If the sprinkler head doesn’t pop up or there’s noticeable damage on the plastic case, the tendency is for water to spray uncontrollably or none at all. You can replace the sprinkler head or clean out the debris to resolve it.

When the irrigation system doesn’t seem to be in tip top shape, it’s pretty easy to determine the issues. The key here is to create a maintenance schedule so you’ll know when to have the parts cleaned or replaced. Be in the lookout even for the littlest of leaks so you can avoid the consequences. After all, prevention is always better than cure.

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